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When is the best time to move?

Take all factors into consideration when deciding on the best time for you to move. Keep in mind, however, that the summer months (mid-May to mid-September) and the beginning and end of each month (regardless of the season) are particularly busy for moving companies and may require more flexibility and advanced scheduling.


How do I determine which moving companies to contact?


Ask your neighbors, friends, coworkers and family members if they can make recommendations. Investigate each of the movers you select with the Better Business Bureau. Good service is the best measure of a good mover.


When should I contact moving companies for estimates?

Try to provide moving companies with as much notice as possible, especially if you are moving during the summer months. We recommend at least four to six weeks before your desired moving date. This will increase your likelihood of securing the pickup and delivery dates you desire.


What happens when a relocation consultant comes to my home?

The relocation consultant will arrive at your home to perform a visual survey of your items. The consultant must be able to clearly see what is being moved in order to provide you with an accurate estimate. If you know of items that are out of view or will be eliminated, be certain to point them out to the consultant. Once the visual survey is completed, the consultant will calculate the weight, packing cost and any other charges related to your move.


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  • Have a garage sale. Get rid of everything you don't need before you move.


  • Donate any good used clothing or toys




Moving from one home to another is never easy. Plus, the added stress of worrying your things might be damaged during the transition—or the fear of losing things in a storage abyss—only makes the process that much more of a dreaded activity. 


The supplies you choose to move with could literally make or break your move—or the items you’re transporting, at least. For this reason, it’s important to select sturdy boxes and pack your items carefully before loading them up into the moving truck. 


Moving to a new home and trying to pack light for a few days? Maybe you’re relocating and hauling your worldly possessions across state lines, or you’re packing two suitcases for a flight before meeting movers at your new place. Or maybe you’re going to be camping out in your new home for a few weeks, doing some fix-ups, before the rest of your stuff catches up with you.


Whatever the reason, how do you know which items are essential during your first few nights and what’s optional? What do you need to bring to your new home, and what can you leave behind without kicking yourself for it later? It may seem overwhelming to distill your entire household of possessions into a few essential boxes, but it can be done. Here are 30 items you should definitely bring for the first days in your new home:

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